
Create a fast, simple checkout.

Convert more customers while saving money on payment provider fees.

61.9% checkout conversion rate

Customers see a 61.9% checkout conversion rate (20% above industry average) on BigCommerce using a flagship payment configuration (major processor + PayPal Wallet + Apple Pay). Learn more from Incisiv’s third-party findings.

Higher conversion to grow your business faster.

Fully customizable one-page checkout delivers the best checkout conversion possible to ensure sales are not lost from checkout friction.

A fast, simple checkout that your customers will love.

Modern and easy checkout experience that customers now expect using tools like digital wallets (Google, PayPal, Apple, etc.) and built-in Google autocomplete.

Most competitive rates to save on cost.

Our flagship payment partners offer you rates starting at 2.59% (vs. 2.9% most other platforms), and will fall to rates of 2.35% or lower as you grow.

No added transaction fees for payments or core features.

Choose your payment provider with no added transaction fees / penalties vs. up to 2% on other platforms — make your decision based on your business needs, not ours.

Make the move to
BigCommerce today.

Learn more about how BigCommerce empowers our customers to: